Virtual meet and greet informational flyer, with depiction of people on Zoom with smiling faces

Virtual Meet and Greet

All are invited to attend an informational meeting to learn more about the mission and vision of Fletcher Seminary. Fletcher’s President Don Williford will share why he is excited about Fletcher launching classes this fall, and what led him to be involved in this new adventure.

Staff, faculty, and board members will also be present, and answer questions from attendees regarding the seminary’s programs and purpose. Click the link below to register and you’ll be emailed the Zoom link immediately.

Sign Up Today!

2 thoughts on “Virtual Meet and Greet”

    1. Hey there Mr. Staggs! We are so glad you dropped by! I’d love to personally speak with you. I’ll send you an email with my contact info, and will be happy to share any information you’d like to receive regarding Fletcher.

      Grace and Peace,
      Jonathan – Assoc. V.P. Communications and Marketing

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