Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Embracing Hispanic Heritage Month: Fletcher Seminary Celebrates Across Borders

(San Antonio, Texas) Hispanic Heritage Month, spanning from September 15th to October 15th, is a time when people across the United States celebrate the rich culture, history, and contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans. It’s a month dedicated to recognizing the profound impact of these communities on our nation’s identity. This celebration extends beyond geographical boundaries, and even in the virtual world, Fletcher Seminary, which operates exclusively online, is committed to commemorating Hispanic Heritage Month not just across the country but also around the world. 

The Significance of Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month began as a week-long celebration in the late 1960s and was expanded to a month-long observance in 1988. It coincides with the independence days of several Latin American countries, including Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. This period serves as a unique opportunity to honor the diverse cultures, traditions, and accomplishments of Hispanic and Latino Americans.

Significantly, Hispanic and Latino Americans have made substantial contributions to various aspects of American society, including politics, arts, science, and sports. Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to showcase these contributions and to deepen the understanding of the shared history and culture that binds us all.

Celebrating With Global Neighbors

Hispanic Heritage Month is a time for reflection, appreciation, and celebration of the diverse and vibrant Hispanic and Latino cultures that enrich our society. At Fletcher Seminary, our commitment to online education allows us to celebrate this month not just across the country but also around the world, uniting our global community in a shared celebration of culture, history, and contributions.

As we mark Hispanic Heritage Month, we invite all members of our global Fletcher Seminary community to join us in celebrating the rich heritage of Hispanic and Latino Americans. Together, we embrace diversity, build bridges, and foster a more inclusive and interconnected world where every voice is heard and celebrated. 

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month from Fletcher Seminary!