June 23 Lunch and Learn: Spirituality and Grief

Fletcher Seminary is hosting a “Lunch and Learn” event on 6/15/23 at 12:00 Noon (CST). The event will be hosted by Dr. Kan’Dace Brock, and the guest will be Dr. Fran Tilton Shelton, author of “The Spirituality of Grief: Ten Practices for Those Who Remain.”

A founder of Faith & Grief Ministries, Fran leads bereavement workshops and spiritual retreats. She is a preacher and a keynote speaker at conferences.

For twenty years, Fran served PC(USA) congregations in Texas, primarily in pastoral care and was affectionately called “Funeral Fran” by the love of her life and last husband, Bob. She has the courage to take deep finesses in duplicate bridge, stamina to be a member of four book clubs and a spirit for life that sparks contagious laughter.

Fran speaks to a variety of audiences including women’s events, grief conferences, church leadership, justice organizations, and facilitates grief workshops and retreats, nationwide. She brings her real life humor, relatability, and depth to every speaking engagement. and Fletcher Seminary is excited to have her as our honored guest for this event.

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